About Us
The Overcome Program was created for addicts and people with a mild struggle with pornography that could grow into an addiction, by recovered addicts. After years of working through and personally facilitating the incredible Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' ARP program, we began to see areas that could be strengthened in understanding the nature of the struggles that Men face in trying to actually clear this from their lives. We decided to take a tactical & practical approach to confront this head on.
We believe and know the Atonement of Jesus Christ to be real, and can testify that we know it can and will work for even the lowliest of sinners. We understand and have felt the pain and guilt associated with years of hiding this from loved ones and trying to conquer this on our own.
It is out of a deep understanding and desire to help others to arrive where we now stand, free, clean, worthy, and happy. Our marriages have been strengthened, we have seen the loving hand of the Savior reach out and pick us up and we want to lead others to find the same.
You will note that very few references are made to the "Addiction" of Pornography within the program. We know that many do not have an addiction, but find themselves trapped in a cyclical process, of repenting, being good for a few months, maybe even years, and then finding themselves back again, repeating the cycle, moving to repentance etc... The program has much to offer these brethren as well.
Here, you are amongst brothers who understand the hurt, the guilt, and the shame. We also know how to help you heal and promise to give you everything we've got to try to help you be the man you have always been destined to come.
A note to Wives of addicts. We want to help you and your husband to heal together. We invite you to be an active participant in knowing the material your husband is learning. Addiction thrives in solitude. Please feel free to reach out if you ever need to ask questions or to try to understand more about the nature of this struggle. we will do all that we can to try and help to heal your tender broken heart.
To all the wives out there, I know I speak for most of us who have struggled at one point or another... We are truly so sorry. The best we can do to try to repair the damage we've caused is to put forth our best efforts to repair ourselves and to be the husband that you've always deserved.
The Overcome Team